June 26, 2011

Coupons for Christ

Lately Jason and I have started collecting coupons to use in purchasing and establishing a stockpile for emergencies and disaster relief. Our grand idea is to use these coupons to buy items like toothpaste and such for rock bottom prices, if not free, and stockpile them so that we can send a suitcase filled with these items with people from our church who are going on disaster relief trips.

We have just started this operation and prayers are definitely appreciated. I am still figuring out an effective storage and organization system for the coupons. I am considering the method with binders and baseball card organizers. Currently my household couponing is supported by two small flex file coupon holders but I don't foresee these being effective on large scale, any comments or suggestions would be helpful :)

I am praying that this ministry that Jason and I are embarking on helps to spread the word of Christ and that through our hard work that God the Father be glorified. We are looking forward to this new adventure and as always Jason can't stop talking about it. Gotta love that man, when he gets on a roll on something he just can't stop. He eat, breathes and drinks the subject for months, he will wake up in the middle of the night to tell me a new aspect or idea. He is so cool :)

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